ApEx Pāthshālā 2024

The Annual Nephrology Board Review Course

About ApEx Pāthshālā

The Apex Nephrology Board Review Course has been an annual event organized by Apex Academia – the academic arm of the Apex Kidney Foundation, since 2010. It is a rigorous but fulfilling, 4 day event, stretching over 12 hours each day, where the finest global faculty, teach in an interactive format. From the first course conducted in 2010, this course was conducted uninterrupted, until the pandemic disrupted the continuum. The upcoming one in ’23 is the 11th edition. This course has had affiliations with reputed teaching institutions like Massachusetts General Hospital, Cedars Sinai Hospital and now Johns Hopkins Hospital. This course has been historically endorsed by virtually every major Nephrology societies including, The Indian Society of Nephrology, The International Society of Nephrology, The American Society of Transplantation, The Transplantation Society and The Renal Pathology Society.

ApEx Pāthshālā Brochure

ApEx Pāthshālā KāryakramaThe Schedule


Day 1 schedule

Thursday, April 27, 2023



11.00am - 8.30pm

Speakers: Geetika Singh, Juan Carlos Velez, Patrick Walker, Suceena Alexander

This workshop is a practical approach to Native and Transplant kidney biopsy interpretation as well as understanding diagnostic terminologies from the perspective of clinical management. The sessions will be intensely interactive, engaging and focussed on generating a confident audience participation. The pathologists will teach and discuss real world kidney biopsy patterns and be assisted by clinicans, to discuss clinical management of some interesting and difficult clinical scenarios, all with active delegate participation. By the time you complete your participation in this session, you will not only familiarise yourself with pathology patterns and terminologies but will also be able to develop a level of skill at clinico pathological correlations, the ability and comfort to independently look and think through kidney biopsy slides and the confidence to question a renal pathology report.

1.30 pm


1.30 pm - 2.15pm



4.45pm - 5.00pm



8.30pm - onwards

Day 2 schedule

Friday, April 28, 2023



7.30am - 12.00pm

Speakers: Geetika Singh, Jeremy Chapman, Sanjay Agarwal

This participative workshop, will serve to consolidate the understanding of several aspects of management of a transplant patient. They will be exposed to concepts such as; using HLA as a horoscope, infection & immunological surveillance in transplant, approaches to prolong graft survival and several other topics. The audience will work together and explore various case scenarios with the faculty. By the end of the session, they would develop the conviction to handle challenging transplant cases.



12.00pm - 12.15pm


A Nephrologists journey with a patient having type 2 DM

12.15pm - 1.15pm

Speakers: Manisha Sahay


1.15pm - 2.00pm


Urinalysis: A telescope to the nephron

2.00pm - 2.45pm

Speaker: Juan Carlos Velez

Dyslipidemia in Kidney Disease.

2.45pm - 3.30pm

Speaker: Ravi Thadhani

How to interpret a Lipid profile report. When and how to treat.


Tools at the Nephrologist's disposal for assessing bone disease in CKD.

3.30pm - 4.15pm

Speaker: Grahame Elder


4.15pm - 4.30pm


Salt, water, vinegar & soda: I

4.30pm - 7.30pm

Speakers: Joel Topf, Juan Carlos Velez

Humans have an internal ocean and when that sea deviates from its composition nephrologists are called on to shepherd this ocean back to homeostasis. Join Dr. Topf and the team, in channeling your inner Poseidon and learn modern tricks to mastering the internal ocean.


Tweetorial: Understanding nephrology, one tweet at a time.

7.30pm - 8.30pm

Speaker: Tony Breu


8.30pm - onwards

Day 3 schedule

Saturday, April 29, 2023


How good can a Nephrologist be, in treating Diabetes? How, when and what drug to choose!

7.30am - 8.15am

Speaker: Manisha Sahay

Nephrology education in the era of alternate reality

8.15am - 9.00am

Speaker: Swapnil Hiremath

How can we control the BP of our CKD patients better?

9.00am - 10.00am

Speaker: Narayan Prasad


10.00am - 10.15am


AKI Unfiltered

10.15am - 1.15pm

Speakers: Chirag Parikh, Juan Carlos Velez, Tony Breu

By bringing together experts in the field, this session would empower the audience to review the state-of-art knowledge of AKI. Some of the themes that would be covered include, AKI in the setting of cirrhosis/heart failure/ARDS. This entire session would be founded on clinical case scenarios with active audience engagement.



1.15pm - 2.00pm


CKD-MBD. Making no bones about it!

2.00pm - 4.00pm

Speakers: Ravi Thadhani in conversation with Grahame Elder

This conversation between two bone experts would help the audience understand how to analyse layers of imagery and complex blood reports to understand what is happening within the bones of our patients with CKD and how to mitigate this. The discussions would involve case scenarios and the audience would be encouraged to actively participate in the proceedings.



4.00pm - 4.15pm


Don’t believe everything you read! Critical Appraisal in Medicine

4.15pm - 5.00pm

Speaker: Swapnil Hiremath

Salt, water, vinegar & soda: II

5.00pm - 7.30pm

Speakers: Joel Topf, Juan Carlos Velez

This high octane workshop will transform fluid-electrolyte-acid-base-disorders from being confusing, demanding and taxing into an exciting, stimulating, inspiring and elevating experience


Tweetorial: Understanding nephrology, one tweet at a time.

7.30pm - 8.30pm

Speaker: Tony Breu


8.30pm - onwards

Day 4 schedule

Sunday, April 30, 2023


PD. how to deal with real world challenges

7.30am - 9.30am

Speakers: Georgi Abraham, Rajasekara Chakravarthi

This session, conducted by two stalwarts, would be an immersive experience on some of the contentious issues in PD. The delegates would be engaging themselves on how to deal with real world challenges in this area.



9.30am - 11.30am

Speakers: Joel Topf, Suceena Alexander, Swapnil Hiremath, Vel Arvind Subramaniam, Vilas Naik

This session would cover contemporary issues in Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation. Topics like, Permissive hypercreatininemia, the relevance of ‘incremental dialysis’ in India, navigating the devil and the deep sea with MRAs, throwing the kitchen sink for resistant Nephrotic syndrome, and many such topics will be debated by a bunch of dynamic panelists. The audience would have an opportunity to dive into these spirited discussions.


Anticoagulation in kidney disease. Making a choice and making it right!

11.30am - 12.15pm

Speaker: MB Agarwal

Anticoagulation in kidney disease. Making a choice and making it right!


The ApEx Oration:

12.15pm - 1.00pm

Speaker: Chirag Parikh

Acute renal failure-Acute kidney Injury-Acute kidney repair-Acute kidney success. The direction Science is taking



1.00pm - onwards

Gurur Brahma Gurur Vishnu Gurur Devo MaheshwarahaGuru Saakshaat Para Brahma Tasmai Sri Gurave NamahaOur Faculty

Dr Vilas Naik

Director and consultant NephrologistDiamond Superspeciality Hospital, Kolhapur

Vilas Naik

Dr Vel Arvind Subramaniam

Interventional Nephrologist Pineapple Dialysis Care, Trichy

Vel Arvind Subramaniam

Tony Breu

Asst Prof of Medicine Harvard Medical School, USA

Tony Breu

Suceena Alexander

Prof of Nephrology &Vice Principal, ResearchCMC Vellore, Tamil Nadu

Suceena Alexander

Swapnil Hiremath

Nephrologist &Asst Prof of MedicineUniversity of Ottawa, Canada

Swapnil Hiremath

Sanjay Agarwal

Prof & Head, Dept of NephrologyAIIMS, New Delhi

Sanjay Agarwal

Ravi Thadhani

Executive Vice President of Health affairs Emory University, USA

Ravi Thadhani

Rajasekara Chakravarthi

Clinical Director & HOD of Nephrology and TransplantationYashoda Hospitals, Hyderabad

Rajasekara Chakravarthi

Patrick Walker

Founder, Nephropathologist Arkana Laboratories, USA

Patrick Walker

Narayan Prasad

Prof & Head, Dept of NephrologySGPGI, Lucknow

Narayan Prasad

MB Agarwal

Prof & Head, Dept of Hematology Bombay Hospital, Mumbai

MB Agarwal

Manisha Sahay

Prof & Head, Dept of Nephrology Osmania General Hospital, Hyderabad

Manisha Sahay

Juan Carlos Velez

Prof of Medicine Ochsner Clinical School, USA

Juan Carlos Velez

Joel Topf

Asst Prof of Medicine William Beaumont School of Medicine, USA

Joel Topf

Jeremy Chapman

Retd. Director, Renal Medicine Westmead Hospital, Sydney

Jeremy Chapman

Grahame Elder

Prof, Dept of Renal MedicineWestmead Hospital, SydneyOsteoporosis & Bone Biology DivisionGarvan Institute of Medical Research, Australia

Grahame Elder

Georgi Abraham

Senior Consultant MGM Healthcare, Chennai

Georgi Abraham

Geetika Singh

Addl Prof,Dept of Renal and Transplant PathologyAIIMS, New Delhi

Geetika Singh

Chirag Parikh

Prof of Medicine &Director-Division of NephrologyJohns Hopkins University School of Medicine, USA

Chirag Parikh

Aditya Nayak

In-charge, Division of Nephrology &Asst Prof, Department of General MedicineMGM Medical College, Navi Mumbai

Aditya Nayak

Abirami Krishnan

Consultant and HOD Nephrology,Deputy Medical AdministratorKauvery Hospital, Salem

Abirami Krishnan

UpahāraOn the menu....


PuraskāraThe award

Embedded seamlessly into the course would be a competition for Fellows. The top two scorers would get an opportunity to spend 2 weeks at the Department of Nephrology, Johns Hopkins Hospital, in an all expenses covered trip.

Johns Hopkins Hospital

Register For ApEx Pāthshālā

rediscover learning,
in a format unlike any you have ever seen,
with content that stimulates your intellect,
an opportunity to be recharged,
and inspired,
a chance to interact with global leaders
to discuss with renowned teachers
raise the bar
broaden your horizons
sharpen your skills.

experience learning
experience – ApEx Pāthshālā

The ApEx Āchāryas Hall of FamePast Faculty

Senior Consultant

Swapnil Hiremath

Senior Consultant

Swapnil Hiremath

Senior Consultant

Swapnil Hiremath

Senior Consultant

Swapnil Hiremath

Senior Consultant

Swapnil Hiremath

Senior Consultant

Swapnil Hiremath

SamparkContact Us


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